The server returned:
It Works!
This page serves as listing for all the available error documents and licensing.
Copy the error documents and assets into your server and link them to your HTTP daemon (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, etc.) with the propper error code.
* Error 400 - Bad Request:
* Error 401 - Unauthorized:
* Error 402 - Payment Required:
* Error 403 - Forbidden:
* Error 404 - Not Found:
* Error 405 - Method Not Allowed:
* Error 406 - Not Acceptable:
* Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required:
* Error 408 - Request Timeout:
* Error 409 - Conflict:
* Error 410 - Gone:
* Error 411 - Length Required:
* Error 412 - Precondition Failed:
* Error 413 - Content Too Large:
* Error 414 - URI Too Long:
* Error 415 - Unsupported Media Type:
* Error 416 - Range Not Satisfiable:
* Error 417 - Expectation Failed:
* Error 418 - I'm a teapot:
* Error 421 - Misdirected Request:
* Error 422 - Unprocessable Content:
* Error 423 - Locked:
* Error 424 - Failed Dependency:
* Error 425 - Too Early:
* Error 426 - Upgrade Required:
* Error 428 - Precondition Required:
* Error 429 - Too Many Requests:
* Error 431 - Request Header Fields Too Large:
* Error 451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons:
* Error 500 - Internal Server Error:
* Error 501 - Not Implemented:
* Error 502 - Bad Gateway:
* Error 503 - Service Unavailable:
* Error 504 - Gateway Timeout:
* Error 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported:
* Error 506 - Variant Also Negotiates:
* Error 507 - Insufficient Storage:
* Error 508 - Loop Detected:
* Error 510 - Not Extended:
* Error 511 - Network Authentication Required:
You can get a copy of the source code for these error documents at
Terms of use and licensing
All HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) and JS (JavaScript) code is licensed under the terms of GNU GPLv3+. You can find a copy of the GPLv3+ license at '/LICENSE.GPL3' or at If you are unable to find the license, contact the Free Software Foundation at
All images including the ones in the SVG format are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), except for the images in the '/img/license/' directory which are made by the Free Software Foundation and Creative Commons. To view a copy of this license, see '/LICENSE.CCBY40' or visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
All the other used assets are used under the Public Domain and are written in the "List of other assets and authors" list.
Since the error documents are licensed under the GNU GPLv3+ license, when you modify the error pages, you have to comply with the license - you can integrate software that is permissive, but not the other way. For example, you can't add proprietary JavaScript code, but you can add (free and) open source JavaScript code that is compatible with the GNU GPLv3+ license.
Even if the error documents are licensed under the GNU GPLv3+ license, you can still deliver non-free resources as long as the error documents and the other resources don't interract with each other when delivering to the client. When the client will have the error documents delivered, the host must not deliver resources that are not compatible with the GNU GPLv3 license.
List of other assets and authors
* /fonts/VT323-Regular.ttf - by Peter Hull, licensed under the Open Font License, taken from;
* /img/license/by.svg - by Creative Commons, licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license;
* /img/license/gpl-v3-logo.svg - by the Free Software Foundation for the GNU GPLv3 license, available as public domain.